
Thinking is an art of being, of seeing the world. While the scientific endeavor affords new ways of looking at and relating to the world, there are many other practices of self-inquiry that have been explored and refined by many cultures all over the world. Today, we have the ability to access more of these teachings than ever before. At the same time, we now have to develop an art of navigating the diversity of these techniques to find practices that cultivate wholesome states of mind. In my personal life, I find great joy in the practices of meditation and embodiment.

My meditation practice is mostly inspired by:

  • Culadassa’s teachings on Samatha & Vipassanā (see also The Mind Illuminated)
  • Rob Burbea’s writings on dependent arising, emptiness, and the Jhanas (see also Seeing that Frees)
  • Rosemary & Steve Weissman’s talks on Compassionate Lovingkindness

In addition to meditation, I find refuge in embodiment practices. I practice and teach contact improvisation, a relational dance that combines elements from somatic experiencing, acrobatics, and modern dance. It allows exploring one’s body in relation to others by using the fundamentals of sharing weight, touch, and movement awareness. Other embodiment practices include yoga, climbing, acro-yoga, and ecstatic dance.